Dear reviewer,

About a month before each release, we send out ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) to reviewers on two teams. If you are a reviewer or influencer, please consider joining the blogger team or the ARC team.

Not sure which one? Keep reading…


You may be perfect for the influencer Team if:

  • You maintain a booktok, blog, Instagram account or another social media account that is dedicated to books.

  • You frequently review romance novels during launch week. In English.

  • You often post your review in multiple places. (Tiktok and reels, or social media, vendor accounts, Bookbub, Goodreads.)

  • You sometimes share news like cover reveals and / or discounts and announcements.

  • Please fill out the form below!

You may be perfect for the ARC team if:

  • You have a track record for reviewing Sarina’s titles on vendor sites, Goodreads and/or Bookbub, in English.

  • You are a long time reader of Sarina’s work.

  • You want to meet other readers who share your interests.

  • You are excited to get early access to new Sarina Bowen titles and review them promptly during launch week.

  • The ARC team only accepts new members a couple times a year. Interested? Add your name to the waiting list.

Questions? Please feel free to reach out to:

Thank you!

The publicity team

Influencer Questionnaire


REVIEWers of sarina’s work INCLUDE: