2021 by the numbers!

the year in review

It was a good one!

Books published in English: 4 - Roommate, Bombshells, Waylaid, Boyfriend

Books hitting the USA Today bestsellers list: 4

Books published in other languages: Erm…? At least 10 titles? I should know this.

Deals made to publish books in other languages: 31 titles

New covers for old books: 4! Him, Us, Goodbye Paradise, Hello Forever

Publishable words written: something like 300,000. But I don’t track it precisely.

World of True North books published: 47 in 4 series.

Ideas for books that I will never have time to write: 273 (or at least it feels like that many)

Wow! That’s crazy when you stack it all up together. I suppose it’s the coronavirus effect—all that planning I did in 2020 resulted in a nutty 2021. But I’m not sorry!

Thank you readers!

None of this is possible without you!


